A directory of talented photographers, models, makeup artists, stylists, designers, and entrepreneurs who've worked out of Space-4-Shoots.  To be listed here, post a profile on Vibe and drop us a note. Photographers: Alanelli Photography Alejandro Barragan Creative Disobedience David Axelrad Jens Look Kjartan Clausen

Videographers: Alejandro Barragan

Models: Aminat Ayinde Anelisa Durham Gesche Thoennes Mariya Marynska Natallia Popchanka Nicole Kulovany Sashalee Pallagi + @sashaleepallagi Stephanie Hoffmann

Makeup Artists: Ashley Palmer Judie Tallman Kristen Alimena Mimi

Fashion Stylists: Della Giovanna Fabulous Hair

Designers:  Jammies That Madonna Girl

Retailers: Big Drop NYC Nearlynewlywed

Photo Studios/Shoot Spaces: #shootspaces (opens in Vibe)